Marazion Memories: Reminiscences and stories from the people of Marazion, Ludgvan, St Hilary and Perranuthnoe.
Marazion Memories is a sparkling example of what can be achieved by local voluntary action. Oral Social History has been put centre stage as a Life Affirming Project, as a Teaching Resource, as a Research Topic, but primarily as a lively look at how our parents and grandparents lived in their early years.
Already used in schools to support national curriculum history topics, Marazion Memories has been built as an inter-generation ‘bridge’. It achieves this with fascinating written, audio and pictorial reminisces.
Extensively indexed, the book provides detailed-cross references for those following social history academic studies. With a full listing of Names and Place Names it also provides a source for the amateur genealogists looking for insight into their ancestors’ lives.
Far from looking backwards wistfully or with sadness, Marazion Memories describes the fun and joy of a quieter, simpler age. These are stories of lives lived full to the brim, and experiences passed on with pleasure for the readers delight.