Frequently Asked Questions
Cornwall Family History Society Help & Advice
Find answers to common queries about genealogy with the Cornwall Family History Society’s Frequently Asked Questions. This resource covers essential topics to assist you in your research.
Which is the right membership for me?
The first question to ask about which membership is right for you is whether or not you want to have access to our database or not. This basically means do you want access to all of our records or just the Journals and Free Content.
The second question is about whether you want a hard copy of the CFHS Journal sent through the post or not.
What do i get with the database?
If you have the database, it means that you will have access to ALL of the content on our website. This includes all the Censuses from 1841 to 1901, Baptism Records, Marriage Records, Burial Records, Cemetery Burial Books, Monumental Inscriptions, Calendar of Probate and a few other Miscellaneous Searches. Most of these (excluding Monumental Inscriptions) are focused on pre-1837.
What is the difference between an electronic and a paper journal?
Everyone with a membership has access to an electronic copy of the CFHS Journal, regardless of whether they have purchased a membership with a Paper Journal or not. This is a PDF copy of the journal that can be found in CFHS Journals, under Memberships. This will be added at the start of the month that the Journal is published (March, June, September, December).
If you purchase a membership with a Paper Journal, then you will receive a published copy through the post. This may take a couple of weeks to arrive as publishing, collection and delivery all take time. This costs more as it covers the cost of printing, postage and packaging.
Why is there a difference between uk and non-uk memberships?
The increased price for Non-UK Memberships is solely down to the increased cost of international shipping.
All Memberships with an Electronic Journal are the same and the UK in the web address can just be ignored.
Why do i need a membership? Can i just purchase the database?
To access the database, you must have a current membership. As a charity, it is these memberships that allow us to keep operating.
i can’t log in to my account, what should i do?
The first thing to do in this situation is to check whether you have a current membership or not. All memberships (excluding life memberships) run for 1 year from the date of purchase. If you are unsure, please contact the secretary; the information can be found at the very bottom of most pages on the CFHS website.
If you do have a current membership, the next step is to click on ‘Lost your password?’. You will then be asked to enter your username (membership number) or email.
If you don’t receive anything following this, check your junk folder. If you still don’t receive anything, try a different email address, maybe you registered using an alternate one.
If it still doesn’t work, please contact the office.
I can’t find the information that i am looking for, can you help me?
If you have a general query about using our facilities, please contact us and we will endeavour to help you. If you need help finding a particular piece of information then we would welcome you to our Research Library in Truro where our fantastic volunteers can help you, or we do have a Research Service that can be used for a small fee.